Who is Red Heart Property Management?
We have been in the property management business for 14 years and have seen a lot of very interesting situations managing properties. It shows how we pride ourselves in handling the hard situations in a professional manner. Helping owners feel confident when they hire us that we will take care of their property in a professional manner is our main priority. We work hard and love our job. We enjoy helping families find a property that will work for their family, and keeping it maintained. We have everything that will need to be scheduled for maintenance all set up on a time line so nothing gets missed on your property maintenance. Working in a pro active manner on your home instead of a reactive manner makes all the difference. We will be inside the property at least 2 times a year to see if any repairs or maintenance issues are occurring. You wont regret hiring us to maintain your investment. We work hard and diligent.
When a tenants has a maintenance issue we do not delay on getting things set up for a quick repair. We always reach out to my team of maintenance crew and find the best option and get a few bids and ideas of different options available. We have the best handyman and crew around that is very knowledgeable in all aspects of a home. Ray can diagnose any issue we are having and give us the best and most cost effective way to handle the issue. We like to handle things in a pro active way instead of a reactive way so we are avoiding middle of the night calls for maintenance issues that are overlooked. Let them call us in the middle of the night with their problems, we got it handled.
Rent Collection:
We collect rent in a timely manner and take care of any invoices you may have acquired over the last month, and then direct deposit the remaining funds directly to your bank account. You are able to log in at anytime to view any invoices paid and a statement of your account 24/7 through our client portal https://redheartpropertymanagement.com/owners/. This keeps you in the loop of how your money is being spent each month. At the end of the year you will be given a year end statement with all your expenses and profits to give to your accountant to make tax time a cinch.
Communication is key in any working relationship. We take this very serious at Red Heart Property Management. If you have any questions or concerns we want to make sure and address those immediately with you. We are always available for phone calls or text messages to answer any and all questions. We are busy sometimes and will make sure we respond to your concerns by the end of the business day if we are unable to take the call.
The reason we do what we do is because we love helping you take care of your investment. We are very detail oriented and will not let the small things slip through the cracks. We strive to be a resource for our community and serve you with excellent customer service.
If you know anyone looking for a property manager we hope we would be your first choice. We provide you customer service that is beyond your expectations.