How can YOU prevent Contamination in your Drinking Water?
Cross connections are points in a public water system. Where it is possible for contaminating fluids to be pulled into the water system. Water systems depend on water pressure to keep water flowing through the pipes in the proper direction. Anything that causes a drop in water pressure can cause a reverse flow or backflow or even a back suction into the water pipes.
How can YOU prevent contamination of your drinking water?
Protect your drinking water by taking the following precautions.
Don’t :
1. Submerge hoses in buckets, tubs, sinks, ponds, etc.
2. Use a spray attachments without a backflow prevention device.
3. Use a hose to unplug blocked toilets, sewers, etc.
Do :
1. Keep the ends of hoses clear of all possible contaminates.
2. If not already equipped with an integral (in built) vacuum breaker, buy and install hose bib type vacuum breakers on all threaded faucets and around your home. These devices are inexpensive and are available at hardware stores and at home improvement centers.
3. Install an approved backflow prevention assembly on all underground lawn irrigation systems.
What’s the law?
Utah code requires public water suppliers to protect their water systems from cross-contamination and prevent backflow situations. Public water suppliers must evaluate any cross contamination hazards posed by their customers. If a customer has a cross, contamination hazard, the customer will be required to eliminate the hazard and or install a backflow prevention device.
No question about it, we want to protect the integrity of our customers. And emphasize the Cross Connection Control Program and pass the knowledge we know along to our customers to prevent contamination of any kind!